What we do
The Mandla Etfu NPC is a registered nonprofit organization based in South Africa that gives adult individuals free cannabis to use in private for personal consumption. The organization partners with private cannabis cultivators that seek to make a positive impact to others through donating their cultivated cannabis to the organization. We receive the donated cannabis from donors and then offer the plant to all cannabis users who seek to enjoy it's many benefits. To further enhance the organization's positive contribution to society, we have partnered with the private sector in order to create much needed jobs. The company that we have partnered with has created an online platform where users are able to request cannabis from the organization and have it delivered to their location within hours. The kannabae platform will enable cannabis enthusiasts to access our donated cannabis efficiently and create jobs in the process.
ZolBae platform demo video
Please help keep our organization operating by donating. We appreciate all the assistance we get.
Our fundraising strategy is to make donating to the organization quick, easy and simple using online payment methods as well as to provide unique incentives to donors. We post every name and message from every donor in our donation records to forever be captured and be displayed to the world to show the act of care and philanthropy.